My name is Craig Pynn. I’m an electrical engineer by training, a high technology marketing consultant by vocation, and a photographer by avocation.
I’ve been actively photographing since my undergraduate years at MIT in the late 1960’s. My career has involved worldwide travel, which enabled me to make photographs throughout Europe and Asia. But the USA is my favorite locale.
After living in the Francisco Bay Area for 45 years, Susan and I moved to Madison, Wisconsin in April 2017. Other times we are at our second home in Wareham, Massachusetts on Buzzards Bay. We drive back and forth between the right and left coasts, affording ample opportunity for photography along the way, particularly in National Parks.
My favorite photographic locales have always been in the foothills surrounding Mount Diablo and along the South Coast of Massachusetts between Wareham and New Bedford where water, land, and weather mix in infinitely interesting ways. Now, I am discovering interesting new locations in the Midwest—especially the Driftless area in southwestern Wisconsin. But I’m always interested in new places, such as photographing in sub-zero temperatures in the beautiful country along Lake Superior in February 2014.
My photographic philosophy is to stay true to the image as I experienced it when making the photograph althoughI may make minor modifications such as removing a distraction such as an electric wire or pole.