As Susan and I drove east in July 2016 we stopped briefly at two contrasting places. The first was a brief visit to Hoover Dam on the Nevada-Arizona border. It was 114ºF so we lingered only long enough to grab a few wide angle shots from atop the dam, including the Mike O’Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge that spans the Colorado River just west of the dam. The bridge is the second-highest bridge in the United States, following the Royal Gorge Bridge—and is also the world’s highest concrete arch bridge. The last two photos in the gallery are the dam as seen from the bridge. These shots were made exactly two years earlier in 2014. The water level in Lake Mead behind the dam was substantially lower this year.
Following our visit to the Grand Canyon, we spent a night in Santa Fe. Early the next morning, I went out before the city came to life and captured a images of buildings and empty streets.